
An Air Force Veteran helping moms connect with their daughters using the 5 Love Languages.

Discover Your Love Language

Are You Speaking the Same Language?

When communicating with your family do you feel you're speaking a different language when communicating your needs? What if I told you that you may actually be speaking a different language?There are 5 different languages in which we communicate love and as humans we communicate in the love language that we understand the most.To begin the journey of better family connection, start by taking the 5-minute Love Language Quiz. Once you discover your love language you can begin to connect on a deeper level and be truly heard and understood.

In Case You Missed the Latest Mother-Daughter Event...

Mother-Daughter Events

The Mother-Daughter Connection Brunch was nothing short of uh-mazing!!

Growing In Love Together Merch

Motivational Speaker

Hire Charise to Speak at Your Event

Charise Freeman is a visionary with the mind of a mogul and a heart dedicated to serving others, and she is an absolute natural at creating meaningful relationships. Her passion for authentic women empowerment and mother-daughter relationships was realized and born from contribution of her natural propensity of supporting, uplifting, encouraging, championing, and deeply befriending her sisters in arms and life. She is an open book, and has a pressure-creates-diamonds background; where others have cracked and broken, Charise Freeman has built back stronger and with a bigger heart for contribution every time.